Katie’s Elevated Kitchen

What is Katie’s Elevated Kitchen?

Weekly Cooking ideas with  a dash of realness, a pinch of doable, and a cup of healthiness! 


I’m not a chef, not claiming to be. I’m not that creative. I keep things simple, balanced, enjoyable and try my best not to use so many ingredients…for lack of wanting to buy so many. My taste buds love basic and I like to eat to enjoy food but also to feel good — that is our foundation.

I tend to stick with the same things:

  • when I cook chicken - it’s 95% of the time chicken thighs, love me some dark meat - chicken should be juicy, not dry

  • I use olive oil for 95% of what I cook

  • If I don’t like something, I don’t cook it or add it in…even if it’s in a recipe, like bell peppers…not happening

  • I use minimal seasoning on most things

  • If I don’t have an ingredient, for the most part, I’ll make it anyways

  • There is no right or wrong, I don’t try to be perfect, keep it simple and just enjoy…just like we should in all aspects of life!

Reminder, Self Elevation happens in and out of the kitchen so I’m spicing things up and providing a dose of Elevation in the kitchen department too.


Three Bean Chicken Soup


Personal Challenge