Before her | After her - Stacey

Before her | After her — Sharing the stories of amazing her Elevated clients and their personal words of how attending her Elevated has “elevated’ their lives…

Stacey is here sharing her story with us!


Before Her Elevated, I felt a bit lost.

I had just moved to Sacramento from New England and was in a bit of a personal tailspin.

I didn’t know anyone, I didn’t know what I was doing, and, I didn’t know myself anymore.

I took a leap moving here and decided to take another leap by breaking up with alcohol. (It’s my toxic ex).

And while those 2 leaps made me feel great, I also knew I was missing something.

Something I used to love to do and had neglected for far too long: movement.

Ever since I was little I loved to move:

I’d ride my bike for hours around my neighborhood with friends, I’d race people (and usually won) in the school yard. I loved

gymnastics and ice skating.

Later on in life I found I really loved kickboxing, Pilates and other cardio group classes.

But I allowed that part of my life to fall away sometime in my late 30s/early 40s.

I tried to pick it back up but nothing ever stuck.

Because I was stuck.

After unsticking myself from RI, and removing the toxic ex, I knew I wanted to add movement back in.

I had been to her Elevated for a few events, and every time I walked in there I was struck with how comfortable I felt once inside.

Even when my anxiety was screaming so loud I could barely think, those screams softened to mere chirps once I sat down and

breathed in the safety of that space.

I had met Katie a number of times too, and felt really comfortable around her. I felt, and now know, that she really cared about what

she was doing and offering, so if I were to take a chance on working out again, mayve this was the right fit for me.

But I felt really shy about it.

I hadn’t done it in so long, could I even do it anymore?

And when I couldn’t do it, would everyone point and laugh at me?

I learned very quickly that the her Elevated community doesn’t point and laugh, they encourage and embrace.

They tell you ‘you can do the hard things’, you can lift the heavier weights, you can try it and see how it goes.

And while there is plenty of laughter, no one is ever laughing at you.

After her Elevated, 

I feel stronger because I am stronger.

I feel like I’m thriving because I am thriving.

I feel like I have a community of fabulous women I can trust and lean into, because I do.

This space isn’t only about working out - it’s about you. The real you. Even if you haven’t fully remembered who she is quite yet.

It’s about forgetting the lie that you can’t and remembering who the fuck you are.

It’s a space that reminds you of your power, to be kind to yourself, and, it pushes you too.

I’ve been pushed forward, not only by others but by myself.

And that’s pretty damn powerful.

Sometimes I think we forget how capable we really are (and we all are) - and when we forget, it can be uncomfortable to be reminded

that we can do better.

But that discomfort will melt away once you remember that you’re doing this work so you can fall back in love with life again.

And maybe you’ll fall back in love with yourself, too.

I knew I wanted better (still do) but I wasn’t putting the work in. And I knew that was a recipe for staying stuck, yet again.

And I’m so done being stuck.

So I took a chance on walking through that door at the corner of 28th and S,

and I put in the work.

I feel like I’ve elevated, because I HAVE elevated.

And you can too.


Before her | After her - Mattee